Monday 17 November 2008

SWTOR: New Concept Art Published

Like a hungry dog hanging out at the back of a restaurant, I'm always over at looking for any kind of scraps to satisfy my fanboy needs. After a few weeks of a rumbling stomach, the boys at Bioware have thrown us another juicy bone, this time in the form of some new concept art for us to get our teeth in to.

These are:

Known for their efficiency and dangerous accuracy with weaponry, these Assassin Droids are extremely loyal to their masters.

When in need of surgery, these medical droids can perform almost all necessary operations.

The lightsaber: not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a civilized age.

An alternative to lightsabers, blasters also make for a deadly weapon.

Some say that ancient religions and “elegant” weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side

Sith lightsabers in the Old Republic era often include distinct attachments.

These hallways contain holo-images of revered Jedi of the past

The lookout tower serves to warn Republic forces of impending attacks.

An ancient Sith imprisonment chamber holding a long-forgotten captive.
A peaceful Jedi enclave.

I'm sure you'll agree these look great. Personally I'm more interested in actual screenshots than concept art but it's all good in the hood. Hopefully however, we'll get thrown some new screenshots soon.

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