Thursday 20 November 2008

Bioware Respond to Oversized Lightsaber Outcry

Yeah I know this is a generic Star Wars Blog and not specific to Star Wars games, but come on! Give me a break, Star Wars: The Old Republic is all anyone's talking about at the moment!

And on that note my Fan Boy friends, here's some fresh info on SWTOR as those great guys over at Allakhazam.con have just intervied Sean Dahlberg, the Comminuty Manager for Star Wars: The Old Republic over at BioWare.

In the interview he speaks about the Storyline, the team, PVP, and of course as this blog title suggests, confirms that they've made some alterations to the lightsabers (see relevant story here) based on the feedback from the community saying:

"Of course, we've heard the community's feedback on the first screenshots we've released and the art team has made some adjustments. These changes will be prevalent in the next round of screenshots we release, I believe."

Anyway, check out the whole interview over at

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