Thursday 6 November 2008

The Science of Star Wars : First use of hologram

It's not easy for science fiction writers to imagine what technology will exist in the future and get it right. I often chuckle at sci-fi movies from the past that contain 'hi-tech gadgetry' that would be laughed at in today's society.

Take the telegraph pole sticking out of Lt. Uhura's ear in the original Star Trek series which we're meant to believe will be all the rage in 2265! This device is 'used by communication officers, science officers and navigators during the 22nd and 23rd centuries but we know that technology has already surpassed that, even in our humble 21st Century.

Science fiction has been responsible for inspiring many of today's gadgets and it's exciting to see what technology will materialise in the future. Teleportaion, Cloaking, the Holodeck (My personal favorite muhahaha) and um... lightsabers are all possibilities. Who knows maybe one day we'll be able to talk to each other from different geographical areas in the form of a life size holograms just like they do in Star Wars.

Well fans, hopefully we won't be waiting too long for the later because last week, this technology was brought to life as a CNN news reporter was beamed from Chicago to their studio in New York as an actual 3D hologram.

Using 35 High Definition cameras filming her every movement inside a special tent, CNN Correspondent Jessica Yellin was transmitted to the New York Studio in 3D and according to CNN's Wolf Blitzer who was in the studio talking to Yellin, the image was realistic and looked exactly like Jessica.

As exciting as this technology is, given the equipment involved and the general expense, it'll be a while before we see them in our homes. Just think though how amazing it would be to talk to distant family and friends as though they were in the same room!

So George, looks like you got it right!

You can watch the whole 3D interview below:

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