Friday 17 October 2008

The Force Unleashed - 3rd Play Through

Believe it or not, I’m now on my third play through of The Force Unleashed on the PS3, so despite the critics saying its crap, I’m obviously enjoying it. 

I managed to complete it first time round over two evenings. Some of the criticism of the game is aimed at the fact it’s just too short, and although that is true given how long it took me to play the game, the fact I’m on my 3rd play through and still enjoying it means I’ve certainly got my money’s worth.

So why am I playing through it again? 

Well after playing it through the second time I read an article that said to unlock the Sith Stalker Armor, you have to choose the Dark Side ending. ‘Dark Side ending?’ I thought to myself. I didn’t realise there was more than one ending. So I read on and learned that **spoiler alert** to get the Dark Side ending, just after you’ve defeated Lord Vader for the first time, you can jump down and finish him of instead off going after the Emperor. I’ll talk about this later.

So I selected the final mission (Death Star) and completed the game getting the Dark Side ending. This of course unlocked the awesome Sith Stalker Armor and this is the reason I’m playing through the game again. Another reason for playing it again is because I get to keep my current level so now I really am a bad ass mother f*cker!

There’s just so much I like about this game. I’m not usually a hack and slash person, but because it’s star wars and because it’s a lightsaber, I love the game play. That said, there are a few things that get on my nerves, one being the obvious laziness of the developers.

The main thing that annoys me is how the customizable upgrades, i.e. clothing and lightsaber colours, are not reflected in the cut scenes. For example, when I chose to have a crimson lightsaber, the cut scene shows the character with a blue blade. It’s the same with clothing. No matter what you select to wear the cut scene shows you in the outfit you were wearing at the start of the level. This to me is extremely immersion breaking. BioWare can get it right in Mass Effect, so why cant Lucas Arts do it in The Force Unleashed? That reminds me. At the start of the game Starkiller has a crimson blade, but that magically changes to a blue one half way through the game with no explanation.. Grrrr! 

Flaws aside, The Force Unleashed is a must have game for Star Wars fanatics, even if it’s just for the story line.

Watch the official trailer below:

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