Friday 24 October 2008

Don't underestimate the power of the darkside!

According to the Telegraph, Ian McDiarmid who plays Senator / Emperor Palpatine in all the Star Wars movies recently told an ambulance crew to wait until the end of his West End Play before alowing them to examining him after he experienced dizzy spells during the play.

Apparently staff became worried about McDiarmid, 64, and called an ambulance concerned he was suffering from a heart attack. Using the Dark Side of the Force (ok, not really!), McDiarmid managed to continue his performance to the end,ignoring the dizzy spells before getting in the Ambulance.

I really hope he's ok! Palpatine is one of my favorite characters in the saga, and Ian, a fellow Scotsman is an exceptionally talented actor. The good news is that it looks like it wasn't a heart attack after all and Ian went on to continue his role as the Father in Luigi Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author just a week later.

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