Tuesday 3 February 2009

SWTOR: The Making of Tython - New Video Released

A brand new 'Star Wars The Old Republic' video has just been released by Bioware which talks us through the making of Tython, an exiting but relatively unexplored planet within the Star Wars universe.  

This provided the developers with an opportunity to create new material and we learn in the video that Tython becomes the planet where the first force sensitive beings went to learn about this new found power, the force.  Set to become known as the origin planet of the Jedi Order, it sounds as though Tython will become a content rich planet with players given the opportunity to learn through a series of quests, all about the formation of the order and some of the mysteries that surround it.

 I have to say the in game graphics shown in the video look awesome and I'm now getting VERY exited about this game.  Ok some of it looks quite similar to other MMO's in terms of landscape but come on! It's Star Wars!!

There's a little lightsaber battle in there which had the same kind of feel as KOTOR II but with much more fluidity and motion. It looked freaking awesome!

More importantly, Clint Young, Senior Concept Artist explains that he wants the player to experience being a Jedi saying:

"The feeling I want the player to walk away with, when they play Tython is essentially, I want you to be that Jedi. What do the Jedi feel? What do they feel like when they're training? When they're at the Academy, when they're going on missions, when they're out on their vision quests, when they're forging their lightsabers, everything that a Jedi would go through is what I want the player to take away from this"

This is music to my ears as it sounds as though they're really going for immersion, something SWG sadly threw out the window with the NGE.  It sounds as though the player will really get a chance to imagine what it would feel like to be a Jedi, Sith, or general force sensitive if the Star Wars universe was real.
